I bought a construct error for beneath code after utilizing xcode 16
Solid from 'ObservableCollection.SectionsChange' (aka 'CollectionChange>') to unrelated sort 'ObservableCollection.SectionsChange' (aka 'CollectionChange>') all the time fails
for the part protocol technique I applied, first forged remains to be working
class ObservableCollectionDelegateMock: ObservableCollectionDelegate {
var collectionDidRowBatchUpdateAtExpect = LIExpect()
var collectionDidSectionBatchUpdateAtExpect = LIExpect()
var rowBatchUpdates: ObservableCollection.RowsChange?
var sectionBatchUpdates: ObservableCollection.SectionsChange?
func assortment(_ assortment: ObservableCollection, rowsDidChange change: ObservableCollection.RowsChange) {
collectionDidRowBatchUpdateAtExpect.referred to as(actualParams: nil)
rowBatchUpdates = change as? ObservableCollection.RowsChange
func assortment(_ assortment: ObservableCollection, sectionsDidChange change: ObservableCollection.SectionsChange) {
collectionDidSectionBatchUpdateAtExpect.referred to as(actualParams: nil)
sectionBatchUpdates = change as? ObservableCollection.SectionsChange
right here is the definition of the these 2 alias.
class ObservableCollection {
// MARK: - Nested Varieties
public typealias RowsChange = CollectionChange
public typealias SectionsChange = CollectionChange>
and that is the outline of ObservableArray
public class ObservableArray {
// MARK: - Public Properties
public var rely: Int {
return components.rely
public var isEmpty: Bool {
return components.isEmpty
public var hasElements: Bool {
return !components.isEmpty
/// Returns the snapshot of present state as a traditional array. (Basically returning the copy of itself).
public var snapshot: [T] {
return components
// MARK: - Inner Properties
inner(set) public var components: [T]
// MARK: - Lifecycle
public init(components: S) the place S: Sequence, S.Aspect == T {
self.components = [T](components)
From what I’m understanding, appears for xcode 16, then cannot case the generic sort by compiler if there are nested generic sorts.
which is our case is
ObservableCollection.SectionsChange’ (aka ‘CollectionChange
marvel if there may be anyway to go round this? or that is what swift 6 forbid to do?